A quick trip to Santa Ana was not very productive but we did get a few birds including this Avocet.
This is something I had't thought of before...it's not just the presence of water that creates the habitat, it is changes in the depth of it.
Someone stripped the brk off this mesquite tree...isn't the wood a pretty color?
Neil climbed the new tower. I think they built it for the hawk watches.
I stayed on the ground to tke the pictures. No, No, it had nothing to do with the loose handrails, the swinging bridge,or the height , Nope, Not at all. Just taking pictures.
The fence line that borders Mexico was visible in any places on the trip over to Santa Ana.
What I can't understand is how that fence can be effective with breaks in the fence like this in so many places. Guess I am just missing the logic.
I have mentioned the flea market that we go to in Weslaco-Donna before but not all flea markets are alike. This one in Harlingen is quite a different story. Pretty shabby buildings.

We see a lot of old truck like this heading to the border. I guess they buy at the flea market and resell in Mexico.
Meant to take a picture of the trashy surroundings at the flea market and got picture of these cute kids along with it.
What an odd combination....store sells perfume and wireless.
This disc harrow unfolds like a piece of origami. It is huge. If we had that at home, I think it would only need to make one trip down the field and the job would be done.
The school and park basketball outside courts all have roofs. It is really quite a bit cooler when you are out of the direct sun.
Next week is Christmas and we will be going to Matt and Lori's for a few days, so I probably won't blog again for a couple of weeks.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
From Twink, Howie and their caretaker slaves, Neil and Barbara
p.s. I have lost this whole blog three times in the editing process and had to start all over again so this time it goes up regardless of any mistakes. I don't care if you do find out what a bad speller I am.