This is Big Padre

He is 12'6"
He lived in Port Arthur living the life......waiting for the fishermen to throw the entrails of the fish they had caught overboard.
Until one day, Padre saw a boat come in and he rested his head up onto the side of the boat. It wasn't an aggressive act but a friendly begging episode.
Unfortunately it was a visitor to the area and the fisherman, understandably concerned, reported the incident.
So the alligator had to be taken away.... but lucky for him, he was taken to the Padre Island Bird and Wildlife Center which is where I photographed him.
The good people there saw that all those days of easy food had gone to his waist and as a result they have the poor devil on a diet and they tell everyone about embarrassing.
The food police are everywhere!
New this year are some Tortoises at the Wildlife Center.
I read that they like greens and other veggies and occasionally some meat but should not be fed every day. Skip maybe one or two days.. Some species can even go for 2 years without food!
So why does the wildlife place sell leafy greens to any visitor that wants to feed the tortoises but visitors are not to feed poor 12 foot 6 inch long Padre the alligator ?
What would you title this next pic? Tag, Your it? Git off my rock?
See how the top one appears to be smiling and the bottom one looks very angry?
I called it bullygator. Or unhappy marriage
I have seen on TV floats like this called dangerous because they tip over easily in the wind. Also if the wind takes them out a ways in the water, there is no way for children or anyone for that matter to bring them back in without getting out of the thing and haul it while swimming.
So, I was surprised when I saw these two floats at the beach today. It was a windy day as most are here in southern Texas in the winter. I watched, hoping nothing bad happened.
sure enough, both floats tipped over and both children are in the water with mama trying to right the floats and help the kids. They took the floats back to the beach.
Good idea
This is Neil standing next to a Texas sunflower. The blossoms are not what you think of as sunflower..they are much smaller, but the plant can get very tall. Neil is about 5'10". Fallow fields can be loaded with these, it's pretty even if the blossom is not as big..
Life explained