Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 9 pm 75 degrees

We went to the Brownsville flea market looking for a little table that might hold the laptop and get it off the kitchen table but didn't find anything
It is a fun place to visit tho.  You can buy anything from birds
To boots
and even these............  um I guess they would be called dolls....................... which I cannot believe that anyone would buy...but no little table.
I got tired after a bit and said, "Let's sit down. "
I looked and Neil is sitting on the benches across from me....I don't think he even knew I wasn't  there.

I have blocked out the writing on this next billboard because I want you to guess what it is advertising.  Don't look, but the answer is at the last of the blog.  Clue:  she is not advertising beaches, suntan lotion or tropical  vacations.

I am just beginning to know how big football is in Texas,
This is a high school football stadium in Harlingen.

There are 6 high schools in Brownsville and every one of them has a big stadium like this.  
I don't think the University of Maine has a nicer stadium.
Over the weekend  there was a game over near Weslaco...I don't know which town....but it was a big rivalry and there were 14,000 people in attendance.  I couldn't believe that number was right so when the Time Warner man was here installing internet (yes, we have internet at the RV now), I asked him and he agreed...14,000 people.  

I think this guy should  be watering his lawn instead of mowing it.

She is advertising vein surgery.  Do you think they just misspelled vain?
These are my favorite Halloween  decorations.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23,2012        1pm       85 degrees
Winter can begin now, we are all settled into our winter home where the temperatures outside run in the 90's every day with one day over 100 degrees.  I could say we came back a little early, but....no...it's cold in Maine so I am happy here.

Of course we spent a little time looking around to see what has changed and what hasn't.  There is a tree that we like just because it is old and gnarled and interesting and it just happens to be in a graveyard, so we went to visit it. 

On the way , I noticed this grave.  I think they might want to re-think a Happy Birthday balloon on a grave where the occupant didn't make it for more birthdays.....not too happy a day, maybe.
  Just a  suggestion.

We also laughed about this building that we thought was a bargain book store, so we went in and found it is a publishing place for a weekly booklet called the Bargain Book about local for sale items.  Oops.

Biggest changes in the area, tho ares these 171 wind turbines that have been going up since January. When complete at the end of the year, they will generate 400 megawatts of electricity.
 This nice flat ground is ideal for wind turbines as they need to be 20 or more times the height of anything else in the direct area.
 This crane lifts the 160 ft. long blades into the post.

I always wondered why there was so much opposition to wind power and according to the news here, one of the reasons is that because heat rises and the blades turn continuously  their stirring  actually brings the heat that has  naturally risen back down to  ground level.   As to the danger to migrating birds which directly relates to this area as it is a natural migration  route, they have developed radar that detects large flocks of birds and they can turn the turbine off when the birds are in the area.  I wonder if that will actually happen.

 I like all the murals and  decorations painted on buildings.

 Look how the decorative painting makes this little in-between place show up to better advantage.

 This one is a little misleading because it honors American and Mexican cinema.  Mexican cinema?
Hate this billboard.  Panders to the idea that everyone wants to be young again   and by just saying so, you will be.  It's a Peter Pan idea.

Neil's whine cooler.