November 13, 2012 11 am cst 67 degres F.

It was a windy day and there were about 8 kite surfers there.
It looks like it takes a long time to get to get the kite, strings, etc, all lined up on the beach
but once that is done, you put on your harness,
get someone to hold the kite up to catch the wind,
bend down very crefully to get your board,
And wade in.
Then hang on for dear life because you will be moving fast.
Friday night we went to the last game of the San Benito football season.
We went early because it was homecoming and we didn't know how difficult it would be to get in but as it turned out, we were VERY early.
As we were getting our bearings , these friendly men asked us where we were from , who we were cheering for etc.

We obviously were not the usual football attendee as we had no purple on, (both teams wore purple...Weslaco-purple and white; San Benito, purple and grey...the greyhounds),we were older than the average homecommig crowd and didn't seem to know what we were doing.
Anyway, turns out that they are coaches for the Weslaco team and teachers at Weslaco High. Nice guys. Sorry for the bad picture..I inadvertanly took the auto focus off and was too stupid to notice.
Anyway, they said that San Benito was already out of the running for the playoffs so would we cheer for Westlaco? Yep.
By the way, the teachers... history on the left, English on the right, said that they have a period in each school day for football. Sort of like a phys Ed class, I guess....if a student doesn't want to play football, they can do some other sport, but part of the teams practice is during the school day.
So we sat on the Westlaco side , right on the 50 yard line but down pretty low.
About a gazillion cheerleaders directly in front of us were very distracting, tho.
Distracting for me by shaking those pommy things and making pyramids etc,. but to Neil because he kept saying he thought this particular cheerleader was the second pretiest girl he has seen...Mary Jo being the first.
I have mentioned before that it is a surprisingly sophisticated stadium. Here is the scoreboard complete with video and instant replay.
I don't know who was in the bleachers because it looks like most of the school was involved in the evening in one way or another. Just check out the musical equipment that moved onto the field with the band
then there were these flaggy people and the marching people
I don't know who these people were but I think they just formed a line for the players to run onto the field through.
Then there was the Navy ROTC who held the flag for the Natioal Anthem.
Finally and seemingly endlessly, the introduction of the homecoming candidates..dozens of them. Of interest to me was this partiular thing they do here and I am not sure I have this right but the young man who helps you find your seat explained to me like this:
See the young lady on the far right with flowers on the top of her outfit?
And all those streamers. I guess it is some sort of thing that well wishers send to the candidate to show their support.
Finally,..... the game.
Unfortunately, Weslaco played badly and lost the game and the opportunity to go to the playoffs.
It was a long and tiring evening and I am once again glad I am not young and have to do this often.
Next week, Neil and I play competition shuffleboard. Just my style sport.
What kind of person wears high heels to the beach?
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