Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday February 19, 2013  7 pm cst   67 degrees

They came with their walkers
                                                              their wheelchairs
or standing on their own...
The few remaining vets of World War 2  plus those of us who wish to honor them,
  came to the Marine Military Academy's ceremony
 honoring the 68 th anniversary of the battle of Iwo Jima.
Superintendent Robert Hill   shook the hand of each person in the audience with military background and thanked them for their service. 
He then gathered all WW 2 vets up to the front to review the Cadets as they pass in review.
A very moving  ceremony.
These are high school kids doing the honors.  This rifle is  not magically suspended.  It is being tosed to the youngster on the left.  The other soldier is not asleep.  That is the posture of all who are not participating in the dirll.
..some younger  ones probably don't know anything about  the  battle for Iwo Jima.
Among the  WW2 vets is Walter Fleming who Neil chanced to meet at Bass Pro Shop  a few weeks ago.    In conversation, they discovered they both did service in the Navy(Mr. Flemings in WW2, Neil in Viet Nam era),   and Mr. Fleming said he still had his uniform and would like to donate it to some WW2  museum. 
Neil  gave him the  number of the museum where he volunteers and low and behold, Mr. Fleming was at the ceremony  today  and yes, the uniform was donated.
He was at Iwo Jima on Feb 19,1944 operating a Higgins Boat...he was just 17 years old.  He had joined the Navy when he was 16 by forging his father's signature.
And speaking of remarkable people, we met this young lady at a fast food restaurant looking fresh as a daisy but we find that she had just finished running a 10k race,,,she is 11 years old!  The younger brother was a real cutie too.  He came running up to me and hugged my leg because I  was talking to his sister.
This  is why we don't let Neil have the camera
This entertainer at the flea market  is a dead ringer for my Dr.!!
Gas prices are changing so fast,  the sign can't  keep up.

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