This $7.8 million dollar facility is an aquatic center for the Harlingen School District due to open in January. It will feature 10 25-yard competition lanes with 400 seats for spectators,.separate fitness pool, diving well, a gym, weight room, and a classroom. Yes, this is for the junior high and high school kids.
Just showing their stadium to demonstrate what amazing sports facilities Harlingen has.
When I contrast this to what is happening in the schools in my native state of Maine, I cannot understand how this aquatic building is possible when Maine schools are cutting back on programs, teachers, and extra curricular activities.
These gulls spend the day in a field across from the cotton gin. There must be a gazillion of them...I don't know what the attraction is but I am guessing that the cotton seed that was dumped out there has lots of mice, rodents bugs etc. to keep these hungry birds happy.
We have been to this bait store many times before and never noticed this giant snake (not real) wound around a tree.
This bug attached itself to our windshield.....handsome dude, huh?
Somehow I never noticed so much color on pelicans before.
I recently found this pic of my grand daughter that I took a few years maybe 10 years ago...I still like it tho.
And this one of Neil and his nephew's son, Rommie. Just putting them in my end of the year pics so I won't lose them again.
And finally, one of the last pics of Howie before he got very sick. I still miss him.
Happy New Year