Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday, December  10, 2014  10 pm cst 64 degrees

Had a few technical difficulties since we got back from Thanksgiving vacation. The cable to our internet was inadvertently cut in half by the grass trimmer while we were gone.  All better now though.

We went to Fossil Rim over the holiday...It is a zoo where you stay in the car as you drive through and the animals are free to roam.
  They are accustomed to getting treats from the motorists and they are not shy about approaching.

How would you like to have this Emu peeking into your car looking for food?  He stands about 6'6" and has to bend down a little to look into your car.
He has this nictitating membrane..a sort of secondary eyelid that moves sideways over his eyes to protect from the dust.  How handy...if a bit spooky.

There were lots of great animals but as usual the giraffe stole the show.  We had the sun roof open and this giraffe who obviously knows the drill well, stuck his head down through the sun roof and directly into the bag of treats .
There is a nice park near Matt and Lori's house so Neil and Janice feed the ducks and walk the dog.  Nice easy pleasant time in Fort Worth

We left Fort Worth early Monday morning  and got to see a really beautiful sunrise once we were out of the heavy traffic.

First light of the day.

That is if you can see anything traveling at 85 mph.

Two years ago we saw lots of white pelicans on this little pond in San Benito and last year we didn't see any.  Well, here they are again.
The brown pelicans dive for their fish but the white pelicans often hunt in small groups and sort of herd the fish together and then.....bottoms up!

Oh, yes, did I mention that this little animal shows up here in Texas about this time of years and stays until the 25th?

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