Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday Dec 20, 2011   10 pm cst   61 degrees
Mississippi Kite

Last night we went to the 100th anniversary of the San Benito Christmas parade which started at 6 pm.
  It had been postponed twice because of rain but Monday was beautiful and warm.  We both  have had the flu, me first then Neil so we had been  shut in for over a week and it rained  all of that time.  We were so ready to do something  fun.
Lots of High School bands from surrounding areas and the kids got into the Christmas spirit.  There is  a saxophone in there someplace

This was sponsored by HEB Supermarket.  I thought he was cute..

But these junior high drummers just took my heart.  It appeared to me that those who did not have a drum used trash cans which gave it a sort of  Blue-Man-Group-sound. 
But................but.......just look on the far right    the  boy carrying a desk-type wastebasket right side up.  I could only surmise that he misunderstood when the leader said they could use trash cans.  My heart broke for this little guy.  He looked very uncomfortable

Road Hump?  I like the term Speed Bump better

I don't know, but palm trees don't lend themselves to Christmas decorations very well, do they?

Who's brilliant idea was this?  Well, at least it is in English.

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