Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4,2012  9pm cst    75 degrees
It's Begining to look a lot like Christmas in San Benito.
We went to the fruit and veg market in Brownsville  and bought Marr oranges.  They are low acid and so sweet.  Then we bought a bag of grapefruit and a huge watermelon  We forget the camper storage space is so  small.   So now its watermelon for breakfast, lunch and dinner until we get the fruit down to a manageable size.
Today we went to the Gladys Porter Zoo and saw lots of new and different animals like these crazy looking monkeys.   Top is the white faced saki and the other is a South American monkey with no name that I can remember.
Neil got in trouble with one of the animals
but came out victorious.
Christmas decs at the zoo, too.

Screech owl
It was so hard to get pictures because most of the enclosures had glass  (dirty) and a lot of glare from the sun.  It was in the mid 80s and sunny.
I just love watching this gorilla family.
 Both parents of this baby  just kind of sat around and kept the little one out of trouble.  Look at the size of daddy gorilla's hands (or are those his feet?)
 on that little ones legs.
Mom just sort of kicked back while baby ran about running and climbing.
This mother was a good deal more watchful with her young 'un
  Entreprenuer Santa


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