November 25 2014 9 pm cst 50 degrees
This young broad wing hawk is being released into the wild to hopefully find his way to his winter home in South America. The man releasing him is Dr. deMaar, veterinarian for the Gladys Porter Zoo.
Two broad wing hawks were rehabilitated in St.Louis where they were found with broken wing bones last August. Now they are healed and able to feed themselves and hopefully ready to continue their migration
They were sent to the Gladys Porter Zoo here in Harlingen to be released because they have already missed the migration and it is thought that starting from here would give them a better chance of success.
Here is the second one..a bit smaller and looking kinda startled.
-And speaking of birds.......
This is the Eagle Dance being performed by 2 members of the Sahawe Dancers, a group of Boy and Girl Scouts who perform some pretty impressive dances that they have learned by studying
their Indian Heritage. 
Those hoops are not hooked together.
These kids and their leaders make their costumes also. No, really, there are kids in front of all those feathers. Look carefully. By the way, that back piece is called a bustle.
In 1976 the then members of this group were asked to perform for a Bicentenial Celebration so they used what they knew as a ribbon dance and replaced the ribbons with flags.
I hate it when people go up front to take a picture and then just stand there spoiling everyone else's opportunity for a good shot.
Sit down, Lady!
Cowboy and Indian
Did I mention that this was the second annual San Benito Pow Wow.
I loved this bell dress.
Closeup of the dress. ..there must be 200 bells and when she walked it made the nicest soft sound.... sort of like a breeze on a lot of small wind chimes
If you got Indians and Cowboys, you gotta have the Calvary too, I guess. That dress is deer hide and beautifully made.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
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