Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 5 2014  71 degrees
Butterflies are rampant at Santa Ana  Wildlife Refuge this week.  Gazillions of them would fly up as we approached on the tram, but  Mary, the tram lady wouldn't stop for photos and as much as I  tried I couldn't command  the butterflies to hold still...not even for a second while I focused.  Hateful insects!
I hope I labeled then right.

Caracara (top) Kingfisher (middle) and Roadrunner (bottom) were a little more cooperative  but this guy
didn't stick around and I was just as happy to see him go.  It is the first rattlesnake I have seen down here.  He was about 5  to 5.5 feet long and had a suspicious bulge midlength which I suspect was a lunch of rabbit.
Also met a young man from Mission taking these Santa Gertrudis bulls  to be trained.  He trains them to trailer and halter so they will be easier to manage when he sells them.  This is the breed of cattle developed on the King ranch here in Texas somewhere around 1940.  They are a cross of Brahman bulls and Beef Shorthorn cows that not only show good weight for their age but can withstand harsh climates. These large babies are only 8 months old.

 This is Samuel Stanton's car. He goes to the Dairy Queen for an ice cream on some Sunday afternoons and incredibly, this is the third year that we have seen him there.  He made this trailer that opens from both front and back from parts. Cutest thing.  Thats Neil and George looking it over.  
This man is taking a nap during his lunch hour at a construction site. Hurts my bones just to see it.
Neil likes this arrangement at the flea market.  The owner got twice as much merchandise displayed by using the roof of the stall as well as the ground level but its kinda hard to shop the roof I would think.
They say there are no mistakes in nature and it doesn't seem right for a cactus to be growing near the top of a tree but there it is.
Twink's Halloween costume.  He was a Tiger cat.

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